2 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

A Concern

Morning Chaps - No work to show...well, there is but its all been sent for publication and that's where my 'concern' arises.
Ive seen something that has just been published and I'm concerned that something Ive just sent to the US looks a bit similar and I'm 'concerned' that people might think Ive copied or used the article for inspiration when I haven't but how do you prove that??
I suffer from anxiety and it does make me worry about stuff that I shouldn't but my biggest fear is being accused of copying - silly, I know but I cant help how I'm wired......I know nothing I create is totally original because no one really is, things get churned out all the time but just presented in a different way - fashion is always a good example of this process.

So, my question earlier was 'How do you prove that you created something without seeing the other persons work first?'

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