2 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

Bighorn Training

Bighorn 30K Trail Run...2011

Saturday, June 18th

6 weeks

So...honestly, I haven't run for about a month.  This is my attempt to get my training back on track so my 19 miles in the beautiful mountains of Big Horn, WY will be an enjoyable, rather than painful, experience.  Again, just like the Moab Red Hot 33K, I'm looking to finish Bighorn in a comfortable 5-6 hours and enjoy my time on the trails.  Since my training has fallen off my goal of 4 hours is out.  I have six weeks to beat my body to do my will so that I can run 19 miles injury free and appreciate the amazing wildflower covered hillsides of the Big Horn Mountain Trail Race.

May 9-15: 9 miles of running

  • Monday: 3 miles around Spring Canyon Park with Shadow.  I guess I still got it...I was able to run mile 1 in 10:10!
  • Tuesday: Off...worked a 12+ hour shift on the ambulance today.  Had thoughts of going for a short run along the numerous paved paths near my station in Arvada, but got off late and wasn't up for having to be vigilant about my surroundings...you know, on the lookout for creeps.  I'll try again Wednesday.
  • Wednesday: ran a 3 mile loop around my station in Arvada. 3/4 of a mile to get to the Ralston Creek path that goes 12.5 miles west.  Headed west and then hopped off the path at Marshall, ran north and then east back to the station.  The rain made me feel quite adventurous.  Since I was worried about being the only person out on a lonely overcast evening, I ran 9 min miles and faster.
  • Thursday: took today off
  • Friday: got up early and ran 3 miles around spring canyon park with Alex and Shadow.  It as a beautiful morning, but must remember to eat something before a morning "run."  Glucose...what an amazing concept for getting your body to do what you want it to.
  • Saturday: took today off...was going to ride my road bike along the paths of Arvada after work but scrapped that plan for two reasons: it had been raining all day; got off 1 hour late and was ready to go home.  I'll try again soon.
  • Sunday: I was supposed to go for an 8-9 mile run today, but decided I really needed to rest at home with the kids after working 5 consecutive days of 10-12 hour shifts.  I even took a nap...it was awesome.

May 16-22: 19 miles of running; a few miles of bike riding

  • Monday: Shadow and I ran up Towers (53 min) to Mill Creek, Arthur's rock trail-head, South Valley trail, and back to Soderburg...9.5 miles.  I LOVE Mill Creek!  There is something magical about running underneath the canopy of pines and leaping at downhill speeds along the rocky single track that has me grinning the whole way down.  We found a perfect watering hole along the way allowing Shadow a cool dip and a little reprieve from the heat.  I love trail running...it's great to share the experience with others, but it's just as good to be out there...just me and my dog and the sounds of the forest.
  • Tuesday: off...spent my day running errands and cleaning the rental house.
  • Wednesdayoff...10 hour shift at work
  • Thursdayoff...10+ hrs at work...found out I didn't get the new shift I had bid on...totally depressed!
  • Fridayoff...10+ hrs at work
  • Saturday9.5 miles/Young's Gulch/Poudre Canyon with Alex and Shadow.  Another one of my favorite trails to run.  This is a great training run for any race that involves creeks crossings/running in wet shoes and socks for several miles.  Dogs can be off leash so it is tons of fun watching Shadow launch himself gracefully over the numerous rocks and through the 30+ creek crossings.  That dog inspires me to be a better runner!  The trail is a gradual gain in elevation until you reach the end near Rist Canyon Rd./W Co Rd 52E.  My Garmin said it was 4.75 miles.  There is an outcropping of lichen covered rocks that overlook Rist Canyon...great for taking a break, getting the rocks and grit from out of your shoes...etc.  The way back is the best part of all in my opinion as you navigate the creek crossings and the elevation loss at downhill speeds.  Great training for moving your feet quickly across rocky trail and creeks.  I almost ate trail a couple times, but loved the thrill of running fast and recovering from my near face-planting encounters.  Oh, and splashing through the creeks past all the hikers that were gingerly crossing as not to get wet...was rebelliously exhilarating!!
  • Sunday:  Resting seemed like a lovely idea after yesterday's run.  Spending time with Micah and Maddie also seemed like a good idea.  I had promised to take Maddie to the Fort Collins Bike Library to check out a cruiser...and even though I would have rather stayed in my pajamas all day lounging around the house...a promise is a promise.  So Maddie and I hopped in the pick up truck and got to the Bike Library right before they closed. Maddie's was red and mine was powder blue.  Surprisingly, Maddie's 10 year old legs fit a small adult frame.  She was relieved because the really nice bike guys had just told her they had no kids bikes since the local elementary schools had checked them out for their kindergarten bike rodeos.  Needless to say, Maddie and I were both super excited to ride our new cruisers and I'm really glad I kept my promise.  As soon as we got home we rode the half mile down our street to Spring Canyon Community Park and rode the paved 2 mile loop around the park.  Riding around the park, watching the numerous families partaking in all sorts of park-like activities, passing walkers, runners, bikers, dogs...on a beautifully balmy Sunday afternoon...wearing shorts, tank tops, and flip flops...feeling the gentle kiss of the summery breeze on our skin...ahhh, it was a perfectly satisfying feeling that all was well in the world.

May 23-29:  13 miles of running

  • Monday:  Ran 2 miles with Alex tonight at 10pm.  Spent the day cleaning the rental house and put off my run.  So, when Alex came home quoting Dean Karnazes' Ultramarathon Man I was inspired to be adventurous and go for a night run.  Years ago, when we were still living in California, we had read Dean's book, Ultramaraton Man.  Dean did things with running that people hadn't done before...like, run through the night and call up pizza delivery to deliver at a particular street location along his route, gorge himself on Hawaiian style pizza with extra of everything, drink a coffee and top it off with whatever dessert they offered...while continuing to run!  Alex had been reading small excerpts of the book and parts of the movie to his middle school math students during the last week of school and this particular day he came home quoting a very poignant story expressed by Dean's father in the movie...If someone lives to be 90 and sleeps 8 hours a night, they end up sleeping 1/3 of their life...which is 30 years.  Dean goes on to tell his father that he wants to live until he's 90, but he only wants to sleep for 15 years.  After dinner I put on my running clothes and even though Alex was feeling a little sick (he can never turn down a run) he put his running togs on, too and we went out at 10pm for a cool and windy night run.  It only lasted for 2 miles since Alex had to stop and dry heave every 10 minutes.  Alex has always been such an inspiration for me in running.  He is super tough and will stick things out way longer than most runners.  I am so lucky to have a best friend who will go running with me late at night when he is feeling ill!!
Dean at the 2009 Gore-Tex TransRockies
6 days...120 miles
  • Tuesday:  Finished cleaning the rental house and spent the rest of the day gardening so the rental house backyard would look welcoming for the guests that arrive tomorrow.  Planted red flowering plants near Buddha, filled the bird feeders, planted a slough of herbs, cucumbers, pumpkins, strawberries, blueberries, planted blue and purple flowering plants in the square foot perennial flower box.  Made a welcome basket with local treats...Horsetooth Hot Sauce Naughty #4, Izze sparkling drinks,  and a Chocolove chocolate bar.  Came back later that evening with Alex and hung the hummingbird feeders in the dark.  Left a dozen fresh eggs from our "backyard hens" in the fridge.  I could use a week at the rental house, myself...it's super relaxing...no clutter...awesome.
  • Wednesday:  Worked a 10 hour shift on the wheelchair transport van...actually got off on time.

  • Thursday:  Worked a 10+ hour shift on the wheelchair transport van.  I have been feeling rather lonely since the wheelchair van is a solo gig.  More often than not, I have a wonderful encounter with a stranger, that reinforces my desire to help people and refocus my outlook on the people I encounter With that Moon Language.  I was securing a patient in my van when an older man...a little bit crusty, with some of his lunch still clinging to the sides of his mouth, and 2-day stubble around his sweet face...who proceeds to tell me that he could never do what I am doing and he is glad that there is someone who can do it.  He then throws his arms out wide and says with gusto, "You need a hug!"  I totally did.  I've been feeling so alone on the wheelchair van that I've been counting the days until I can work on an ambulance with a partner.  So I smile and give him a hug.  I thank him for the hug and his kind words.  He says, "You have a beautiful smile.  Keep on smiling!"  I was practically glowing by that point.  his kindness shook me out of my funk and I had a grin on my face for the rest of the day.  It amazes me that such a small gesture can change someone's day entirely!  How powerful is that ?!  My goal is to be better at expressing the thoughts I keep inside...like when I meet someone and  I think "Wow, you have amazing eyes" or "Your smile lights up the room"...I want to start making peoples' days a little bit brighter by sharing with them these thoughts I have.
  • Friday: Worked a 10+ hour shift on the wheelchair transport van.

  • Saturday: Worked a 10+ hour shift on the wheelchair transport van.

  • Sunday:
  • Ran 11 miles today with Alex and Mary B.  We ran the 11 mile loop out in Bobcat Ridge, counterclockwise.  It started out being an overcast, drizzly morning that turned into a sunny, blue sky, fluffy white clouds that thankfully covered the sun every now and then, cool breeze kind of a day.  Perfect weather to run in...not too hot, not too cold.  Need to start wearing sunscreen, though.  The first 6-8 miles were uphill and I was feeling rather under trained.  The weeks continue to fly by and Big Horn's 19 miles are looming on the horizon.  Alex said it well when he described my running lately as "binge running."  That's how it feels...long run, nothing, void, zero, zip, zilch, long run.  Ah well...I will hike the up the hills and run down the other side.  Start slow and taper...yeah, that should work.  Although, I must say, that gravity really does agree with me...and I was able to stretch the legs out on the long downhill descent at the end of our run today.  I hit a max speed of 5:33.  It felt really good to run full tilt after spending numerous hours driving around Denver in my wheelchair van the rest of the week.
Me and Mary
The DR Trail is the start of a 3.5 mile gradual climb
This was the start of the Ginny Trail which continues to climb
to the top of the ridge with a rapid  descent to the parking area
Me and Alex

6 week Training Plan...courtesy of my coach, Alex May

May 9-15
6 miles easy
3 miles
3 miles
Young’s Gulch 
8 miles
May 16-22
MTN Bike Ride
1 hour
6 miles easy
3 miles
3 miles
Coyote Ridge to Indian Summer
11 miles
May 23-29
Bike Ride 1-2 hours
6 miles easy
Park with Pineridge Hill
4 miles
3 miles
Soderberg- Mill Creek- Spring Creek- Herrington- Stout- Towers 13 miles 
May 30-June 5
6 mile fartlek- run all up hills hard
Easy 3 miles in Vail
Teva Mtn Games
Teva Mtn Games 5K Trail Dog Race
June 6-12
6 miles easy
Pineridge with Down Hill Mile and park cool down
6 miles
3 miles
Hewlet Gulch
8 miles
June 12-19
6 miles easy
3 miles
Big Horn 30K Race

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