I love Mother's Day.
It is truly a holiday that celebrates the heroes of our age (or any age for that matter).
Not to take away anything from July 4th, Veteran's Day and Memorial Day. I know that I would probably not be writing this if it weren't for the brave American men and women who paid the ultimate price for my freedom.
Heck, without them we all might've found ourselves working in a non-air conditioned plant for a dollar a month adding melamine and other toxins to baby formula for the health and economic well-being of The State.
Well...At least the males of The State since so many females, and yes, future moms, are aborted (for the good of The State, of course). Can you say, "Nice revolution you got going there, Chairman Mao."? Hmm...I knew you could.
So yes. I salute those great men and women - past and present - who guarantee our freedom.
But the truth of the matter is: most of us would not even be here if it weren't for moms.
"Wait," I hear some of you saying. "Don't you mean all of us wouldn't be here if it weren't for moms?"
Perhaps. Except that I have a few friends who, in spite of their loud cries of denial, have questionable pedigrees.
Don't believe me? Then you haven't met my friend Alan.
But back to moms.
Here's the deal: Moms put up with a lot.
Think about it.
Our moms cleaned up all the crap in our diapers when we were little ones. And most moms have been cleaning up our crap ever since. I know my mom has.
When my dad was murdered back in 1976, my mom went on to start several successful businesses and helped put three of us through college. One of us went on to be an accountant. One a teacher. And one a dreamer.
I'll let you sort out who was who.
And even though she felt that I would've been a great lawyer, flying a desk just isn't in my genes - the genes that she herself and my dad passed down to me (I couldn't picture either of them flying a desk).
No. Instead of flying a desk, I chose to fly by the seat of my pants. Which, incidentally, is not something one should list under "Applicable Skills" when typing up a resume'. Trust me on that one.
Anyway, my mom has supported me both spiritually and financially throughout my years of successful self-employment and self-unemployment. I am highly skilled at both. It's even on my resume'.
So here's to moms.
My first cookbook was dedicated to my wife. The next cookbook will go out to my mom.
And if you don't have a book that you can dedicate to your mom, stop by and tell her you love her with some flowers and an apple pie.
I know she'll love it.
And if she's like my mom, she'll even offer to clean up the mess.
God bless moms!
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